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Moment of grace for Archdiocese


Patrick O’Regan will be installed as the ninth Archbishop of Adelaide on the solemnity of Our Lady Help of Christians, Monday May 25, at 10.30am in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral.

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Currently serving the Diocese of Sale in Victoria, Archbishop-designate O’Regan arrived in Adelaide today (May 5) and will self-isolate for two weeks.

The Mass will be live streamed through the Archdiocesan website at 10.30am and replayed on community TV station Channel 44 at 4pm.

Announcing the date of the installation, Apostolic Administrator Bishop Greg O’Kelly SJ said the news was a “moment of joy and grace” for the Archdiocese and noted that the installation would take place on the solemnity of the patroness of Australia.

“Because of the circumstances around COVID-19, this will be a modified ceremony, and will involve simply the officiating clergy and attendants,” he said.

“Our plan is that when the restrictions and safety requirements around COVID-19 have eased, we will conduct a formal Liturgical Reception for the incoming Archbishop, hopefully associated with the Mass of Chrism.

“Naturally, we regret the inability for this to be a large ceremony open to all members of the Archdiocese but everyone understands the reasons why this cannot be so.”

It is believed to be the first time in the history of the Australian Church that an archbishop will be installed in the absence of clergy, bishops and the lay faithful. It had been expected that more than 2000 people would attend the service.

The quarantine restrictions also prevent the attendance of the Apostolic Nuncio and the President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and any other bishop other than Bishop O’Kelly who will read the Bull of Appointment and witness the Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity.

Archbishop-designate O’Regan, the ninth archbishop and 12th bishop of Adelaide, will replace Archbishop Philip Wilson who resigned in 2018.


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