No doubt the world is a complex place. Maybe it has always been thus. Yet it seems at the moment to be increasingly the case.
At the end of October last year the siren sounded on the first half of the Synod of Bishops, Synod on Synodality in Rome.
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I have been to prison a few times. Sometimes in my capacity as either chaplain or bishop, or as friend. Sometimes maximum security, sometimes minimum security or even ‘prison’ farms.
Family reunions and other such events gather people together. At such gatherings acquaintances are rekindled, stories are swapped, relationships are deepened, photos are taken, promises about catching up soon are given, identities are deepened.
With the coming of Pentecost we have now completed the Easter season. It is interesting that we seem to make less of an effort to engage in the Easter season than we do of the Lenten season.
For some, Easter is a day. For us it is a season. For St Augustine it is a sacrament.
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