Celebrating shared Mercy tradition
More than 430 staff from three Catholic colleges came together for the first time in early September for a day of reflection, honouring their shared Mercy traditions.
More than 430 staff from three Catholic colleges came together for the first time in early September for a day of reflection, honouring their shared Mercy traditions.
There is a dizzying offering of podcasts out there. What makes a good one and how do you create them?
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They can be difficult times at the best of times. Adolescence, the teenage years and then the 20s throw up challenges at a rapid rate. Grappling with your faith is often one of the ‘big ones’ and that is where the Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults (COYYA) steps in; providing support and accompanying youth through this transitional stage of life.
Gleeson College Stage 1 Youth Ministry students recorded their first-ever podcasts through a new initiative with ArchD Radio earlier this month.
Aspiring radio broadcasters walked the red carpet and were honoured at the Arch D Radio Awards held earlier this month.
Record listener numbers and the talent of young Catholic school students were cause for celebration at the annual Arch D Radio Awards Night held at Sacred Heart College last month.
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