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St Catherine’s partners in Adelaide Hills Science Hub


St Catherine’s School, Stirling, is part of a new initiative aimed at inspiring local communities to tackle the challenges of climate change and sustainable land use.

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The Adelaide Hills Science Hub, which comprises a number of government and community groups, was established to deliver a range of ‘citizen science events’ in the region.

St Catherine’s staff members Krystina Dawe and Tanya Stott said the hub was also aimed at responding to the shift in land use from mainly agriculture to a complex patchwork of agriculture, viticulture, lifestyle and residential properties amidst bushland.

“Being a part of the Adelaide Hills Science Hub has opened my eyes to a whole range of science which is at our fingertips. It has been wonderful getting to know not only experts in different specialist areas, but also seeing how I can become involved without needing a science background myself,” Ms Dawe said.

By working collaboratively, the Hub offers support to more than 244,300 people who live in the Adelaide Hills, Mount Barker, and Onkaparinga local government areas. Over two per cent of these hectares are highly-prized and protected native bushland.


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