Faith in action at Rostrevor
Students from Rostrevor College put in the hard yards this month, all in the name of raising awareness about the value of human life and respect for women, while also raising money for charities.

On August 15, more than 700 students from Reception to Year 12 took to the pavements surrounding Rostrevor to participate in a walkathon as part of the college’s Marian Day celebrations.
Through their efforts, the students raised thousands of dollars for St Vincent de Paul, Hutt St Centre, Edmund Rice camps and shelters and St Patrick’s Special School in Dulwich.
Rostrevor Year 12 student and prefect Riley Slack said the day was about more than fundraising.
“As well as raising money, it’s about bringing awareness to the various charities and the important work they do in our community,” he said.
Guest speakers from each of the supported charities visited the college to explain to students the service they provided to people in need and give the boys a greater understanding of the causes they were fundraising for.
“Many of the speakers were women, which also reminds us of the women in our life and what they do for us,” Riley said.
Marian Day acknowledges the importance of Mary, Mother of God, in a long-standing tradition of the Christian Brothers and Edmund Rice schools including Rostrevor College. A special Mass on the day was attended by all students and many family members.
Principal Brian Schumacher said the Christian Brothers had always had a special devotion to Mary and had instilled this in the young men they taught.
“Building a genuine respect for women by students in an all-boys’ school is crucial to their overall development,” he said.
“On Marian Day we give respect and thanks to all women, particularly our mothers who have made so many sacrifices for us.”
Mr Schumacher said the walkathon and the support it gave to charities was a good example of “faith in action” which was a strong guiding principle for the college.
“While celebrating the Feast of the Assumption, we should be mindful that we are privileged people and, as such, must stand in solidarity with the underprivileged and unfortunate in our world,” Mr Schumacher added.
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