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Letters to the editor


February 2024

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Teetotaller memories

It was with great interest that I read the story of Tom Morris and the horse Teetotaller in the October edition of The Southern Cross.

My father, Vin Daly, was a great admirer of the horse, and often spoke of the boldness and dash that Teetotaller displayed when he saw him compete. He also admired the skill of the people that rode him.

My father was a keen horseman and would have seen competing at the northern shows, Teetotaller and the other notable performers of the great team of show horses that James Clarke of Pekina had assembled.

He also had another reason to take an interest in the performance of the Clarke horses.

James Clarke married Sarah Daly, and Sarah and Vin’s father Martin were first cousins. Sadly, Sarah died of tuberculosis at a young age, leaving behind a young family, which Tom Morris was part of.

Kevin Daly, Clare

Bishop’s generous Christmas gift

I would like to share a wonderful, generous pastoral caring which happened on Christmas Day, 2023.

Bishop Greg O’Kelly SJ said Mass at Ardrossan’s St Christopher’s Church on Christmas Day at 10am. Normal Mass time is at 11am and there were some parishioners who had travelled from far and wide to attend Mass but were not aware of the change of time.

They arrived when the Mass was ending and were heartbroken that they had missed attending Christmas Mass.

The following week I spoke to a parishioner who had missed out on Christmas Day Mass who told me of the generosity of Bishop O’Kelly. He invited those who had missed out to take a pew at the front where he read the Gospel for Christmas, gave his sermon for that day and also distributed Holy Communion to those who had missed out.

By chance I heard about this and thought more people should be aware of the generous Christmas gift the good bishop made, healing many disappointed hearts that day.

Robert Roestenburg, Rogues Point

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