Responding to the need
Members of the Bishop Murphy Society held their first get-together since 2019 at the Archbishop’s House, West Terrace, on June 23.
The gathering was a chance for Archbishop Patrick O’Regan to meet members and, together with the Bequest Program Committee chair Kevin Duggan AM QC, launch translated brochures outlining ways to support the good works of the Catholic Church by making a bequest.
The Bishop Murphy Society recognises those benefactors who have expressed interest in including the Archdiocese and its charitable works in their will.
The Society is named in honour of Bishop Francis Murphy, the first Catholic Bishop of Adelaide.
Archbishop O’Regan said Pope Francis was often reminding us that everything we do should be aimed at building communion – either with our God, with our neighbor, our true self and the whole of creation.
Since arriving in the Archdiocese two years ago he had seem “lots of different aspects” of being ‘in communion’ and the Bishop Murphy Society was another example of this.
Ten years after the establishment of the Society it was important, he said, to re-focus on “why we do what we do” and how we respond to the need.
“Jesus did say, ‘the poor will always be with us’, and that need doesn’t change but the way we respond does,” Archbishop O’Regan told the gathering.
Mr Duggan spoke about the early days of the Church in the West End as well as the legacy of Bishop Murphy who came to Adelaide in 1844 in challenging times and played such a significant role in the formation of the Church in Adelaide.
He said the translation of information about the bequest program, a reflection of the vibrant migrant communities in the Archdiocese, was first suggested by the former Governor of South Australia, Hieu Van Le.
Archdiocesan Bequest officer Jane Juniper said after consultation with the Multicultural Office, it was decided to start with translations in four languages – Vietnamese, Polish, Italian and Croatian, with more to follow.
For information about the Bequest Program and the Bishop Murphy Society, call 8210 8223 or email
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