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Global rosary in Adelaide


A worldwide rosary movement which began in Poland has reached the seaside parish of Brighton where parishioner Sarah Clarke has organised a special rosary at St Joseph’s Church, Brighton, on Mother’s Day.

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The initiative is part of Oz Rosary 53 which involves saying of the rosary simultaneously in 53 locations around Australia to represent the 53 Hail Mary prayers in the rosary.

Already about one million Polish people have prayed the rosary for their youth and the protection of their country with Ireland and England following suit.

In Australia there are nearly 30 venues organised so far with several priests meeting to pray in their churches and others praying over their cities from nearby hills with their congregations.

Ms Clarke, who worships at both Brighton and St Ann’s parishes, said praying Mary’s prayer, the “mother of Our Lord”, on Mother’s Day had special significance and was a “fantastic idea”.

The rosary will be held at 11.30am on Sunday May 13.


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