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Diocesan Assembly

Opinion Opinion

Steering a synodal caravan

Last year I wrote an article for The Southern Cross that likened synodality to a family road trip. These days, I’m thinking about synodality more like a caravan of several families on a road trip together.

Opinion Opinion

Participants have their say

For the Saturday session of the 2022 Diocesan Assembly, participants were assigned to one of six workshop themes comprising three rounds of discussion: theological foundations, practical applications and examples, and planning for action. We asked a member of each workshop to share their insights.

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We’ll meet again

Many have been the tributes, reflections and expressions of gratitude for the life of our late Queen Elizabeth II. All have reflected a deep sense of gratitude for a life of tireless service, well-lived. One of the most touching, to me, were those which commented on her role as a mother. Mother to her family; to a nation; to a Commonwealth; mother to so many in a myriad of ways.


Focused on action and tangible results

In our continuing series on the Interim Diocesan Pastoral Council Julian Nguyen and Sarah Moffatt reflect on their involvement in the Church and their hopes for the future.