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Diocesan Assembly steps up a gear


Parishes, schools and communities are being encouraged to help shape the program and outcomes of the 2022 Diocesan Assembly to be held on October 21 and 22.

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Last month the Archdiocese distributed a ‘toolkit’ of resources including a workbook for communities to use as they discern the 255 recommendations arising from the 2021 Diocesan Assembly.

Over coming months, parishes, communities and schools will choose their top three recommendations for what the Archdiocese needs to focus on, as well as the top three recommendations for their own local context.

Following that, communities will work to develop key strategic actions and goals to achieve the recommendations.

At the same time, the Diocesan Pastoral Council will use the feedback to assist their strategic planning.

Parish priests, pastoral council chairs, school principals and school board chairs gathered with Archbishop O’Regan and members of the Pastoral Services Team on June 23 at John XXIII Church in Modbury and on June 30 at St Matthews Church in Bridgewater to learn more about the preparations for the 2022 Diocesan Assembly.

Peter Bierer, assistant director, Pastoral Life and Mission, said last year’s assembly focused on listening broadly to the ideas, challenges and needs across the Archdiocese while also preparing for the first session of the Plenary Council.

“This year’s assembly will be much more action-oriented,” Mr Bierer said.

“Implementation of the Plenary Council outcomes will help to inform the program, but there will be opportunities for this year’s participants to develop their own faith formation and practical skills in workshops, as well as to share from their own experiences and learn from one another.

“The themes of mission and collaboration will feature prominently.”

A steering committee of 20 members from various corners of the life of the Archdiocese is assisting with the development of this year’s program.

“The goal is to develop an authentic culture of synodality in the Archdiocese at every level,” Mr Bierer said.

“From leadership in parishes, schools, communities and diocesan agencies, to the average person in the pews, students in classrooms, and even those who are not part of the regular worshiping community.”

The workbook, instructions and other resources are available at



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