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Parish priorities sought


More than 400 people are expected to attend the 2022 Diocesan Assembly at Nazareth Catholic Community, Flinders Park, on October 21 and 22.

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In preparation, parishes, communities, schools and Diocesan agencies have been providing feedback on the 2021 Diocesan Assembly recommendations.

Each community was asked to identity the top three priorities for their own community and the top three priorities they believe the Archdiocese should focus on.

Peter Bierer, assistant director, Pastoral Life and Mission, said this was a “monumental task” as there were 255 recommendations from last year’s assembly. “However, people across the Archdiocese have approached this task with great enthusiasm,” he said.

“Some communities are hosting large gatherings, others are looking to focus groups or the parish pastoral council or school board to provide feedback. Responses are coming from all ages as well, from primary school students in Catholic schools, young people in youth groups, families and older members of communities and parishes. It’s very encouraging to see the amount of engagement we have had so far.”

At the Diocesan Assembly participants will be guided through a process that will assist their work in implementing the priorities they identified for their communities. Participants will also have opportunities for formation, collaboration and sharing with those who have identified similar priorities. The Diocesan Pastoral Council is preparing to receive the feedback which will assist in the development of strategic priorities and actions for the Archdiocese.

After returning from the Plenary Council final assembly in Sydney, director of Pastoral Life and Mission, Sarah Moffatt, said it was pleasing to know that Adelaide was already doing a lot of what was recommended by the Council, particularly in the context of a synodal Church.

“It leaves me feeling incredibly blessed that we can come back to Adelaide where we have this container in which we are able to further develop this work,” she said.

For more information visit www.adelaidediocesanassembly. org



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