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Clergy arrivals

Adelaide will welcome two new priests from overseas to ministry in the Archdiocese this month.

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Vianney Day

The musical talents of some of Adelaide’s clergy were on show at a ‘Vianney Day’ gathering at The Monastery last month.

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Ordination to priesthood

Deacon Pat Lopresti will be ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop O’Regan in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral on October 24 at 10am.


On the path to ordination

Nervousness, happiness and a sense of joy were just some of the emotions experienced by Olek Stirrat and Anthony Beltrame as they declared their intention to join the priesthood on September 29.


Golden jubilee

Monsignor Ian Dempsey celebrated the golden jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood on Sunday September 8 in St Joseph’s Church, Brighton.