Program closes the generational gap
Ageing can be a confronting and lonely process, no matter which chapter of life you are in. That’s why Meals on Wheels SA, in collaboration with Sacred Heart College and Mary MacKillop College, launched intergenerational high school program Rite Now!

The program is based on the Australian Institute for Intergenerational Practice and ABC television show Old Folks Home for Teenagers and aims to connect older adults with teenagers through an enriching and exciting journey.
“This program is for Year 9 students who are participating in The Rite Journey program,” said Sarah Harrison, project officer at Meals on Wheels.
“During the term there will be a combination of written worksheets passed back and forth as well as several face-to-face visits. The older friends for these programs are a mixture of Meals on Wheels customers, volunteers, old scholars, sisters and community members.”
The program, which runs in Term 2 and Term 3, kicks off with ‘about me’ worksheets which all participants fill out and submit. Their responses are used to match cross-generational participants with similar interests.
After written communication throughout Term 2, face-to-face catch ups follow and conclude with a shared lunch. When the program was launched through Sacred Heart College in 2023, the opportunities for connection proved invaluable.
“The importance and value of undertaking this program is immeasurable,” said Liz Stewart, director of students at Mary MacKillop College, Kensington.
“The opportunity to break down age related stereotypes, build connection and improve wellbeing for all participants aligns with the vision of Mary MacKillop College, which is to empower girls to make a difference and to be of service to others.”
Mary MacKillop College students Chiara, Josephine, Layla, Ava, Ana and Grace with their introductory worksheets.