Reconciliation in action
A smoking ceremony in Cabra Dominican College’s ‘Heart Garden’ was the centrepiece of the official launch of the school’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) earlier this month.
The RAP, created by a dedicated team of students and staff, is a formal commitment to the reconciliation process and captures the steps the Cabra community will take towards reconciliation.
At the event on June 17, John Lochowiak, an Aboriginal elder and leader with strong connections to Cabra and the Dominican Sisters, led a Welcome to Country sung in the Kaurna language, along with staff member Brayden Heyward-Ferors. The school community was then blessed with a moving smoking ceremony.
Mr Heyward-Ferors, who is a proud Gamilaraay man, shared a reflection and Cabra’s principal Dr Helen Riekie also addressed the gathering.
“It truly was a privilege for all students, staff and Sisters present to be a part of this special milestone in Cabra’s history,” said Valeska Laity, leader of the RAP team and Cabra’s director of Mission and Identity.
“We look forward to collectively undertaking the real work to now enact our Reconciliation Action Plan.”
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