Breaking the bank for a good cause
When Reception students at Xavier College’s new Two Wells campus were learning about the Project Compassion Lenten Appeal and how it supports those in need around the world, Mila Deluca decided she was going to make her mark.

Inspired by the appeal’s 2021 theme to ‘Be More’, Mila went home and raided her piggy bank, refusing to use her parents’ money to make a donation.
The next day she proudly donated $25 from her savings and continued to bring in a gold coin every so often during the six-week appeal.
Reception teacher Danielle Thompson said Mila’s story epitomised the willingness of the new school community to help others less fortunate.
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“We have been blown away by the generosity of our students and families,” she said. “We have students who have come from so many different schools and it has been beautiful to see everyone join together and understand the importance of Lent and Project Compassion.”
Miss Thompson said through Religious Education lessons, the Reception students had explored “what it means to be grateful” and discussed the “importance of giving”.
“We talked about how $5 can buy a family a chicken which could then provide them with eggs that they can cook meals with, and how other amounts can help families.
“The chicken example really hit home for most of the kids as they kept asking their parents or myself if the money they had was enough for a chicken!”
Xavier College raised a total of $11,000 for Project Compassion this year.
The annual appeal has been run by Caritas Australia for more than half a century to provide vulnerable communities with access to education, health services, agricultural training and programs that reduce maternal and infant mortality.
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