Pasta overload at IHM
When the house leaders at Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) set their school a challenge to collect as much pasta as they could, they did not expect such an overwhelming response from its 130 students.

Run over 14 days, the Pasta Challenge saw students from the Brompton school bringing in an amazing 360 packets of dried pasta, which has now been donated to Vinnies.
School APRIM (Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission) Annette Diassinas said each year IHM focuses on a different pillar underpinned by its Heart spirituality which emerges from the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. The pillars are love, hope, connectedness, inclusivity and justice, and in 2020 the school is focusing on the latter through the Micah scripture, ‘act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God’.
Inspired by the justice pillar, the school leaders wanted to find a way students could act justly and help out those in need.
“The house leaders all felt that they wanted to do something that would make a difference, even a small one, to the lives of others,” Annette explained.
“With pasta being a popular item stocked in homes over the last few months, the students felt that families might have an extra packet or two at home they might be able to bring in for the challenge.
“I was truly blown away with the student support of this challenge as they were choosing to use their pocket money to buy pasta and show that justice, no matter how big or small, lives in the heart of every person at IHM.”
One of the house leaders, Jack Field, said it was nice to know the pasta collected would have a big impact on members of the community who were doing it tough.
“I didn’t realise how much we could help others until we calculated that the pasta we collected could feed over 300 families,” he said.
“That really made us all feel great as leaders and people.”
Annette said it was fitting that the fortnight challenge ended on the Feast of the Sacred Heart on June 19.
To celebrate the day, students wrote words that described the ‘heart of Jesus’ and placed them at the centre of all the pasta collected.
“This served as a way of showing others that living justly and with justice in our hearts is a way of living, inspired by Jesus. Justice lives in our hearts and is inseparable from love and humility,” she said.
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