Reconciliation events highlight unity
Students at Kildare College gathered for a moving and reflective liturgy as part of National Reconciliation Week celebrations held from May 27 to June 3.

From Indigenous students processing in with flags to the Acknowledgement of Country, the prayers presented by Justice and Democracy students, a moving performance by Year 10 and 11 dancers, an identity poem, and finally a wonderful rendition of Follow the Sun, the liturgy was an opportunity for the college community to show respect and promote reconciliation across cultures.
During the week there were also colourful and informative exhibits on show highlighting the skill and artistic talents of many Indigenous people. Lunchtime activities included various arts and crafts, while Indigenous stories featured during the pop-up movie sessions.
In what was a great way for students to support local Elders in the community, the Nunga student group assisted the Tea Tree Gully Winds Elders group in Reconciliation Week activities held at the nearby Holden Hill Community Centre.
The students served morning tea and helped visiting primary school students with dot painting. The highlight was face painting – not only themselves but also the younger students.
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