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Into your hands


A stained glass window in St John and Michael’s Cathedral Bathurst and a prayer by Blessed Charles de Foucaud feature on a prayer card produced to mark Archbishop O’Regan’s installation.

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The window depicting the annunciation was photographed by Archbishop O’Regan who is a keen photographer.

De Foucaud’s Prayer of Abandonment is considered one the most beautiful prayers of faith, trust and surrender in the Christian spiritual heritage. Blessed de Foucauld was born in Strasbourg, France, in 1858 and lost his faith during his adolescence. Inspired by Jews and Muslims while travelling in Algeria and Morocco, he rediscovered his Christian faith and joined a Trappist monastery in France, later transferring to Syria and then working as a gardener and sacristan for the Poor Clare nuns in Nazareth and Jerusalem.

After his ordination to the priesthood in 1901 he chose to live among the poor and finally settled in Algeria until 1916 when he was killed by a band of marauders.

Parishes can order copies of the prayer card through the Archdiocesan Events Office on 8210 8220 or

Prayer of Abandonment


I put myself in your hands;

Father, I abandon myself to you,

I entrust myself to you.

Father, do with me as it pleases you.

Whatever you do with me, I will thank you for it.

Giving thanks for anything, I am ready for anything,

I accept anything, give thanks for anything.

As long as your will, my God, is done in me,

As long as your will is done in all your creatures,

In all your children, in all those your heart loves,

I ask for nothing else, O God.

I put my soul into your hands.

I give it to you, O God, with all the love of my heart,

Because I love you, and because my love requires me to give myself.

I put myself unreservedly in your hands.

I put myself in your hands with infinite confidence,

Because you are my Father.


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