Your view
With the closing of SA Brewing Holdings in SA my memory goes back to the history of the papal visit of 1986. I had the honour of being asked by Archbishop Faulkner to be the State Director of the visit.
To cover costs we sought the support of parishioners through a Sunday Special Collection. Then our Papal Visit Fundraising Committee chaired by Tom Sheridan and our Corporate Advisor, the late Vin Kean, supporting the Papal Visit Office, led by the late Jim Butler and myself, we approached prosperous companies in SA for support.
Among those who responded most positively was SA Brewing, well known in our State with its West End label. The history of that time tells us that some could see the apparent incongruities in a large brewing company supporting what it would be nice to regard as a simple pastoral visit by the Pope.
I will be forever thankful for the relationship we had with Jim Gliddon, managing director of SA Brewing Holdings at the time. The integrity of the company and its management was unquestionable. I was assured that at all times ultimately the Papal Visit Office was to be their guide as our major sponsor.
So, thanks for the memory, West End. Working with one another for that historical moment in 1986 is hopefully indicative of what we are as local church, ever seeking to be ‘in the modern world’, struggling to be creative with potentially destructive elements that make up the circumstances and relationships of our lives.
(PS we pray for work for those unemployed by the closure.)
Fr Anthony Kain
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