Welcoming a new Chief Pastor
Echoing the thoughts of so many people in Adelaide, Bishop Greg O'Kelly SJ extends the warmest of welcomes to Archbishop Patrick O’Regan as he "comes into our midst".

Archbishop O’Regan is to be the Chief Pastor and Shepherd of a Church that is rich in history, and contains so many promises of hope, and lives faithfully its day-to-day mission as we strive to put into practice the works of mercy entrusted to us by the Lord Jesus.
We know our weaknesses, but we know also that we are a Church among whom there are many of great holiness, devoted parents and adults, generous young people, a faithful clergy, consecrated religious of integrity living lives of service, a great number of women and men engaged in all the ministries of education and health and welfare, and service of the poor.
Archbishop O’Regan inherits this community, the fruit of families and adults of faith, served by clergy and religious of strong commitment, over so many generations. We give thanks for the Shepherds who have gone before him, and in these days also direct our prayers of thanks for Archbishop Wilson and the good he did for us, while also praying for his health and strength.
Fr Philip Marshall, indefatigable as Vicar General over these years, ensuring the smooth functioning of the Archdiocese, and providing great personal support to myself and many, deserves the highest of commendations and expressions of sincere gratitude from the Archdiocese.
This will be my final message in The Southern Cross. I have appreciated the kindness of the faithful of Adelaide and their acceptance of my stewardship over these past two years.
I appreciate very much the patience of my communities in the Port Pirie Diocese, for the occasions when I was not able to be with them because of a clash of responsibilities. I will not miss the frequency of those long trips! In the Archdiocese, for those whom I may have offended, I ask pardon.
For the rest, all clergy and laity, I thank you for your prayers and support, and may the new Archbishop know from you the same kindness and love you extended to me, in Christ.
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