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Connecting with nature


The beauty of the Botanic Gardens provided the perfect surrounding for the Ministry Formation Program’s ‘Day in Creation’ held on April 29.

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The concept for the day was the brainchild of the late Mgr Denis Edwards, who introduced Laudato Si’ to the MFP last year. In memory of his ministry and love of the natural world, the day-long event was dedicated to him and fittingly, the sun shone brightly throughout.

The basis for the program was Laudato Si’ 220n: ‘Ecological conversion entails a loving awareness that, we are not disconnected from the rest of creatures, but joined in a splendid universal communion’.

Educator and founder of Little Earthies Alice Dunlop and horticulturalist and author Sophie Thompson were guest presenters and encouraged participants to ‘spend time with God’ and to ‘journey and reflect on their connection with nature, with each other and with the earth’.


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