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Teamwork helps Vinnies centre


Staff from Deloitte and St Patrick’s Technical College have helped beautify an outdoor area at the Elizabeth Vinnies Centre.

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Together with volunteers from Fred’s Van, which runs a meal service at the centre, they provided the labour for construction work and a new garden made possible by a $5000 grant from the Playford Council.

The once plain and uninviting area is now a welcoming and peaceful space for volunteers and the community, according to Vinnies school and community engagement officer Jayne Shortt.

Deloittes staff participated in the working bee as part of their annual ‘impact day’.

The local Beaurepaires Tyre Service, which backs onto the site, made and donated planters with recycled tyres.

“It really was a team effort,” said Ms Shortt.

“Vinnies is very grateful to the council for the funds and the team that spent their day working on the project.” 




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