Last Mass at Kalangadoo
It was a moving send off when parishioners gathered at St Joseph’s Church, Kalangadoo, on August 18 to celebrate the Eucharist there for the last time

Over the past 15 years the church has not hosted a regular Sunday Mass and after a process of consultation among the people of the Penola parish it was decided to sell the property.
Parish priest Fr Peter Zwaans said it was a “bittersweet occasion” as the church was filled with more than 80 faithful who had long known St Joseph’s, Kalangadoo, as their spiritual home.

St Joseph’s Church, Kalangadoo.
Fr Dean Marin, Vicar General, attended the Mass of Thanksgiving representing Archbishop Patrick O’Regan, and was joined by former parish priests of Penola Fr John Vildzius, Fr Richard Morris and Fr Arul Dev Ambrose.
At the laying of the foundation stone in 1904, The Southern Cross newspaper recorded the following: Fr McEvoy delivered an address and appealed to those present to contribute generously to the cost of the edifice which was being raised to the glory of God.
“From the very beginning of St Joseph’s, it was the people who strove to build the Catholic community in Kalangadoo,” Fr Zwaans said.
“It was fitting that the celebration sought to give thanks to God for the graces given through the church’s ministry and to acknowledge the contribution of the parishioners who have contributed time, talent and treasure over the last 120 years.”
Since the church’s blessing in 1905, parishioners have prayed through two world wars, floods and fires, especially in 1983 when the Ash Wednesday bushfires devastated the town of Kalangadoo and several parishioners lost their lives.
Long-time parishioner Tom Tranter recalled how tight-knit the church community had been; parishioners readily chipped in to look after the church and were quick to support each other in times of need.

Parishioners gather outside of St Joseph’s Church, Kalangadoo, for the final Mass.
Fr Zwaans recalled the words of Jesus in the Gospel: “Store up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where neither moth nor woodworms destroy them and thieves cannot break in and steal.” (Matthew 6:19)
He said the loving service given to God by the people of Kalangadoo was not lost with the sale of the church, but remained as an act of love for God and neighbour.
Afternoon tea was served in the Kalangadoo Institute Hall where many memories were swapped and stories told.
While it was a bittersweet occasion parishioners agreed that it was a fitting send-off for a much-loved church.