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Call to join Walk for Life


Parishes are being urged to organise groups to join the annual Walk for Life in the city in February.

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Adelaide Vicar General Father Dean Marin said Catholics’ involvement in the event had grown in recent years.

“I’m challenging each of our parishes to be involved next year,” he said.

“Coming to the Walk for Life, joining with so many other Christians and people of goodwill is one way to continue constant advocacy for life.

“Once again the walk will be a peaceful public witness to the value of every human life and especially the unborn.”

Fr Marin said a report from the recent Synod on Synodality in Rome stated that ‘the most vulnerable of the vulnerable, on whose behalf constant advocacy is needed, include the unborn and their mothers’.

“Our understanding of the value and dignity of every human life as made in the image and likeness of God calls us to respect and support life and to see the poor and alienated in any way as our special concern,” Fr Marin said.

“As Christians we are pro-life in this broad sense. Our advocacy for life extends from the earliest time of a child in its mother’s womb through to natural death and includes a preferential option for the poor, calls for peace and reconciliation and a passion for the care of our common home of earth.

“And as Pope Francis reminds us, our faith helps us to see that all these issues are inter-connected.

Fr Marin said the Termination of Pregnancy Act 2021, which became law on May 9 2022, allowed abortion up to birth.

“For proponents of the bill and many others abortion is labelled as health care, a human right and demanded on the basis of freedom of choice,” he said.

“The dignity of the human life taken is omitted. What a tragedy. Who will stand up and be a voice for these voiceless children?”

Organised by Love Adelaide, the Walk for Life will be held at 10am on Saturday February 10 at Pennington Gardens, opposite St Peter’s Cathedral North Adelaide.


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