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The light of Christ's birth


In his annual Christmas message, Catholic Archbishop of Adelaide Patrick O’Regan has reminded us that in our darkest times, Christ “lights our way toward justice and peace”.

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“Even when our own wicks burn dimly, the Word of God, Jesus, withstands the darkness, gently urges us forward,” he said in his message recorded at the historic Archbishop’s House on West Terrace, Adelaide.

“After another year of difficulty at home and abroad we shall soon gather once more to remember the birth of a child filled with hope and promise.

“In churches across Adelaide we will join fellow believers all over the world and celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, who preached goodwill toward all.

“His birth is the light that gives us hope for this present world in spite of disunity, abuse, hatred, violence, poverty, greed and corruption.

“Hope is important in times such as ours where families struggle with the cost of living, some homeless and suffering hunger; where climate change threatens the gift of God’s creation. We look across the globe with concern at battles that rage in Ukraine.

“At such times it can feel as if we are alone, that nobody stands behind us. Yet into that fear, into that darkness comes the Promised One, the light who is Christ, the light which becomes the light that lights our way toward justice and peace.”

View the Archbishop’s video message



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