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Need a daily prayer or some reading to nurture your faith? Perhaps listen to a podcast or catch up on what Pope Francis has been saying? If you’re looking for some additional resources to support your faith journey then a new offering by a group of local Catholics could prove very helpful.

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The Harvesters Place website launched last month has an expansive array of free resources to support Catholics in their faith formation, as well as information about the synod process, Plenary Council, Diocesan Assembly and Catholic agencies.

The website was developed by the ‘Harvesters’ group – comprising people working in Catholic parishes, ministries, schools and agencies in South Australia. Core members include Monsignor Robert Egar, Ben Ryan, Angela De Nadai, Pauline Connell, Sean Carr and Rachele Tullio.

Dr Tullio said the project was the result of the “endless pastoral commitment” of Mgr Egar to “help people grow in their faith and share that faith with others”.

“This website encourages people to seek and learn more about what it means to be Catholic,” she said.

“We decided that a website and Facebook page, instead of meetings, would be valuable in connecting members and forming them.”

Endorsing the new website in a letter to the faithful, Vicar General Fr Dean Marin said Harvesters Place fitted nicely with the outcomes of last year’s Diocesan Assembly, which called for “resources to inspire faith formation and faith sharing, especially in an accessible form”.

“Pope Francis recognises that he is leading the Church in a time of great change. He calls us to engage with the world through our faith and to develop our relationship with Jesus. He encourages us to use technology to share that faith,” Fr Marin wrote.

“I congratulate all those who have produced such an expansive and helpful Catholic resource. I highly recommend Harvesters Place to all involved in our parishes, agencies, ministries and schools.”

To view the resources go to


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