Season of Creation celebration
The Victor Harbor and Goolwa parish adorned a ‘produce table’ with a range of home-grown decorations as part of their Season of Creation celebrations.
Each week during the worldwide ecumenical event, which ran from September 1 to October 4, many parishioners brought fresh produce to tie in with the four different themes of blossom, floral, herbs and native flowers. Other parishioners were then gifted the items and encouraged to take them home after the Sunday service.
Parish priest Fr Vinh Tran said the initiative was a tangible way for members of the community to “actively share and care for each other”.
“The Season is particularly one of gratitude for God’s wonderful Creation,” Fr Vinh said.
“It calls us to respond to the need to care for our environment so eloquently expressed in the Pope’s encyclical Laudato Si’.”
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