Warm welcome for 'unknown' pastor
A video highlighting the diversity and unity of the vast Diocese of Port Pirie and a rousing rendition of the song I am Australian provided a warm welcome for Bishop Karol Kulczycki SDS before his installation in St Mark’s Cathedral on October 28.

The diocese was represented on the video and at the installation by staff and students from Catholic schools, laity and clergy from 57 churches and representatives of groups such as the Catholic Women’s League, Vinnies, Centacare, and Prison and Aboriginal Ministry.
The installation Mass was concelebrated by past and present bishops from the Adelaide Province, including Adelaide Archbishop Patrick O’Regan and Emeritus Bishop Greg O’Kelly SJ who opened the Cathedral door to his successor.
A number of clergy from the Adelaide Archdiocese, several Salvatorian priests and local community and religious leaders also attended the installation while many more from around Australia and overseas watched the live stream of the celebration.
In his message of thanks at the end of the Mass, Bishop Karol said “I come to you as an unknown person, from an unknown country –Poland, an unknown religious Order – Salvatorians”.
“I have been called to serve you the people of Port Pirie Diocese that I pledge to fulfil with God’s help,” he said.
“Pronunciation of my name and surname will challenge many of you but I can see one advantage.
“From today my name will be mentioned during every Eucharistic prayer. Because of that we should be a joyful Diocese because every Mass you will mention Karol.
“With little mispronunciation of my name, we could mention carols – which means we will be always in the spirit of Christmas.”
Among the many people he thanked, Bishop Karol singled out Bishop O’Kelly.
“I think that my words of thanks to you will not only express my feelings but also the feelings of all clergy, Religious and people of Port Pirie Diocese,” he said.
“You have dedicated many years to this diocese, you are not fully leaving this diocese because your heart is and will be still here.”
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