The show goes on at Bedford Industries
There may be no Royal Adelaide Show this year due to COVID-19 but for supported employees at Bedford Industries that makes the task of packing showbags all the more special.

The 12,000 limited release showbags, which are being distributed online and in some supermarkets, are one way children and others can still get a taste of the Show.
The Bedford workers all agreed that packing showbags was one of their favourite tasks and the perennial Bertie Beetle bag was no exception.
They were all smiles as they placed bar codes on the first batch of showbags to arrive at the Panorama factory.
Bertie Beetle first appeared as part of the Hoadley’s Chocolate Showbag in 1963 alongside Violet Crumble and Polly Waffle.
“South Australians just go crazy with Bertie Beetle mania whenever the Adelaide Show rolls around each year and I think nostalgia plays a big part in that,” said Emily Williams from Showbag Shop.
Bertie became so popular that in 1972 the official Bertie Beetle Showbag was born.
Bedford Industries, which has 670 supported employees, has continued to operate throughout the pandemic, being considered an essential service.
It recently joined the fight against the spread of COVID-19 by signing-on to make community protection packs for people entering the state from Victoria, News South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.
The Bertie Beetle showbags can be ordered at
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