Supporting the vulnerable
In its 10th anniversary year, preparations for the annual Vinnies CEO Sleepout, to be held on Thursday June 20, are well underway.

Business and community leaders will sleep out in a city car park to raise funds for people experiencing homelessness.
In the lead up to the event, five participants delivered a Fred’s Van meal service to gain a better understanding of how some of the funds raised during the Sleepout support the community’s most vulnerable.
BankSA chief executive Nick Reade, who raised $173,000 last year and was the highest fundraiser nationally, will sleep out for the sixth time. He also volunteered for Fred’s Van, along with first timer Bronwyn Masters, from Silverchain/RDNS, Rachid Malik (RM Williams), and Jake Hall-Evans and Stephen Jones (Wilson Parking).
“As leaders, we have a responsibility to give back to our communities, and support people who are disadvantaged,” Mr Reade said. “This goes beyond sleeping out for one night.”

Bronwyn Masters also volunteered her services.
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