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Sarah helps spread Christmas cheer


For Sarah Heard, Christmas Day is a time to give thanks for all she has and support those less fortunate.

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That is why this year, just as she did in 2017, Sarah will be joining other volunteers at Hutt St Centre to give those experiencing homelessness a taste of Christmas.

She will be volunteering in the Day Centre, serving morning tea, distributing Christmas gift packs to those in need, and helping with general tasks such as laundry and answering enquiries.

“Homelessness is not something that happens to ‘others’. It is not something that some people choose, or deserve,” Sarah said.

“I’m lucky enough to be able to spend my day with the people I love and without wanting for anything, and it’s easy to get wrapped up in that and forget that not everyone has the same experience on Christmas Day.

“I think it’s important to acknowledge and be grateful for what we have, and if we can take some time out from that to help those who perhaps aren’t as fortunate as us, then that makes everyone’s Christmas Day just that little bit better, doesn’t it?”

Hutt St Centre expects to serve about 150 people on Christmas Day. Ham and cheese croissants will be on the menu for breakfast, followed by a traditional lunch of turkey, ham, roast vegetables and Christmas pudding.


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