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Diocesan youth on song


In what is expected to be one of the largest gatherings in the Archdiocese during the Year of Youth, hundreds of young people will join together for a special youth Pentecost Vigil later this month.

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To be held in the Queen of Angels Church courtyard at Thebarton on May 19, the Vigil will feature much-loved American musician and evangelist Steve Angrisano, who will lead youth aged 16-35 in praise and worship.

As well as celebrating the joy of the Church’s birth, the evening will serve as the launch of the Australian Bishops’ 2020 Plenary Council.

The event, which is being organised by the Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults (COYYA), will feature witness talks, a large communal Mass and food trucks for attendees who have been asked to dress in red. The evening will conclude with a shared supper.

Youth ministry development officer Holly Roberts said the Vigil would be a chance to come together, “something we don’t often do”.

COYYA coordinator Peter Bierer said excitement was building in the Year of Youth which was “an opportunity for the Church to listen to all young people – not just Catholic young people – to look for direction for the future”.

“How can we learn or grow from young people as a whole Church?”

He commended Pope Francis’ support of this special year in the Australian Church.

“The Pope is listening, and modelling to the whole Church that it’s not just our own (Catholics) who matter, it’s all people that we are concerned about,” he said.

“He’s taking on this Second Vatican Council view that all are blessed, all are Holy, and so we need to care for all people.”

In another Year of Youth event, COYYA is asking those from Year 7 to age 35 to submit designs for the creation of a processional cross. The winning design will be crafted by a liturgical artist and passed across various groups of young people in the Archdiocese. Entries are due before the end of May.

“We thought that a good legacy that could come out of the Year of Youth would be having an icon for youth in the diocese,” Mr Bierer said.

He also reflected on the importance of the reverence of the year, and the opportunity it will provide teachers and youth workers to reflect on and discern the lives of young people and their needs.

COYYA is also hosting various youth ministry formation workshops throughout 2018. Details on these can be found at

Attendees of the Pentecost Vigil are asked to bring a plate of supper to share. More information on the event can be found at COYYA’s Facebook page or by contacting COYYA on 8301 6866.



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