First for Ordinariate
In what is believed to be the first service of its kind in an Australian Catholic cathedral, the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross celebrated Mass in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral last month.

With the blessing of Archbishop Wilson, the South Australian congregation offered Mass for its patron Blessed John Henry Newman on his feast day, October 9. Newman was an Anglican priest, poet and theologian and later a Catholic cardinal, who was an important and controversial figure in the religious history of England in the 19th century.
The service featured hymns of John Henry Newman and a homily detailing his life and legacy. The presiding priest, Father Ian Wilson, faced the altar in the tradition of the ordinariate.
The Australian Ordinariate is one of three Personal Ordinariates instituted by Pope Benedict in 2012 to provide a vehicle by which those of Anglican heritage could be received into full communion with the Catholic Church.
Its members are Catholic but retain their Anglican music and liturgical heritage.
In Adelaide, the Ordinariate celebrates Mass every Sunday at 9am in the Chapel of SS George and Michael, 71 Branson Ave. Clearview, and at 11am in St Monica’s Catholic Church, Walkerville.
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