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Pro-life walk


South Australian Catholics are being encouraged to join the Walk for Life on February 11 at Pennington Gardens.

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Vicar General Fr Dean Marin said with the introduction of new legislation in July 2022, abortion up to birth in some circumstances was now legal in SA.

“However, the witness to the value, and dignity of every human life from the earliest stages in the mother’s womb must be continued,” he said.

“For us, the wider context is the respect for life at all stages and in all situations. Respect for life is a ‘seamless garment’ and covers end of life issues, the aged and disabled, domestic violence, the homeless and poor, acceptance of refugees and other areas of social justice.

“It’s always from this perspective that we are pro-life.”

Fr Marin added that it was important to challenge the popular thinking that abortion is a “health issue” or a “freedom of choice issue” and that legalisation can remove the moral aspect of taking a human life.

“We are pro-life in terms of the life of mother and child and we love them both. Furthermore, for all who have been involved with abortion we offer, not condemnation, but the healing, compassionate love and forgiveness of Christ,” he said.

Walk for Life will be held from 10am to 12pm at Pennington Gardens. For more information visit



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