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Hectorville parish

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Miracles really do happen

The parents of a young boy who was the victim of a hammer-throwing accident have spoken publicly for the first time of their anguish as they watched him fight for his life, and their gratitude for the groundswell of prayers they firmly believe helped save him.

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Generations of families associated with St Joseph’s School Hectorville marked the 160th anniversary on June 29 of the original Church of the Annunciation. Pictured, from left: Frankie Murphy with son Jack, Danya Lanzilli with son Hugo, and Nadia Tripodi (classmates from the 80s), Stephanie Bosco with her children Sophia and Anthony, Amanda Figallo, with her children, Lucas, Orlando and Sienna , Claudia Frangiosa with her children Julian and Isobel and Julia Lonardo with her children Michael and Nicholas (front); Joseph Pinneri with son Jason and grandsons Jack and Max and staff Rosa Amato, Jenny DeVizio and Esta Ranieri. Picture: Ben Macmahon

Building on strong foundations

It’s a case of back to the future at St Joseph’s School Hectorville where a 160-year-old building has been restored and is now being shared with the parish, just as it once was.


Happy hiking

Want to rejuvenate or celebrate your faith with others during the coming Advent season? Then Alyse de Souza has the perfect suggestion, ‘go take a hike’!