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Free as a bird


A refugee’s experience of leaving his homeland and coming to live in Australia was the theme for a presentation by local author Ly Luan Le when he visited St Joseph’s School at Ottoway.

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Mr Le’s book Fly High! Fly Far! describes the adventures of a sea bird travelling from Vietnam to South Australia. Written in English and Vietnamese, the story mirrors the author’s own journey as a refugee who fled Vietnam due to war, and the kindness of strangers who welcomed him along the way.

An author of several books, Mr Le shared his process of writing and what inspires him with the Year 3-6 students on July 5. He also discussed how his faith has been a source of strength and comfort throughout his life.

Teacher Louise Moody said many of the students who attended the presentation could make connections to their own families’ migrant experiences

“The students enjoyed the themes of friendship and overcoming hardship and appreciated the use of different languages in the story,” she said.

“Mr Le was a wonderful, enthusiastic speaker who serves as a role model for students and staff. He has worked for many years with refugees from varied cultural backgrounds and the Kaurna community, and has a pivotal role in the Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary.”



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