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Expanded facilities to meet VET demand


There has been a flurry of building activity in Rosewater recently as new state-of-the-art training facilities at the Western Technical College begin to take shape.

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Concrete footings have been poured, precast walls and structural steel installed, and underground service works are continuing.

Scheduled to be completed in February 2022, the $5.5 million expansion of what was previously the Rosewater Trade Training Centre will increase capacity to meet the growing demand for vocational training by secondary students.

Jointly funded by Catholic Education SA and the South Australian Government, the development will include an additional metal fabrication workshop, specialised machining workshop, electrical and electronics training spaces, computing suites with specialist computer-aided design and 3D modelling capability, and an automotive workshop with the latest technology and diagnostic equipment.

Construction of new facilities at Western Technical College.

Western Technical College manager Shane Gubbin said students wishing to commence a pathway into employment were able to complete their SACE requirements while undertaking training at the college, with many courses closely aligned to jobs in the nearby shipbuilding and defence industries.

“The purpose-built facility will provide a state-of-the-art training environment, where students will be able to acquire the skills required to shape their future in a wide range of career pathways,” he said.

“Students from all sectors of education (Catholic, Independent, Department for Education) will be released from their home school one day a week to attend training at the college.

“Their pathway will form part of their off-the-job training component and will be recognised as part of an apprenticeship. Students will be encouraged to pursue employment as part of their final year of schooling as a school-based apprentice, integrating their job into their completion of the SACE.”

Mr Gubbin said in 2022 many of the courses on offer would be subsidised by the Department of Innovation and Skills as Flexible Industry Pathways. They include Certificate II in Engineering Pathways, Construction Pathways, Automotive Servicing Technology, Salon Assistant, Electrotechnology and Applied Digital Technologies.

“All training conducted at the college provides dual accreditation, giving students credit towards both a nationally recognised VET qualification and SACE completion,” he said.

Barkuma trainees at Western Technical College.

Western Technical College is also catering for the diverse needs of the wider community and recently introduced a Trade2Transition program. Delivered over seven sessions, the course has been designed especially for Year 12 students from Barkuma, an organisation which supports people with intellectual disability.

“Barkuma trainees are well on their way to exploring the construction and metal engineering industries in a supportive adult learning environment designed to celebrate adaptability and encourage long life growth,” Mr Gubbin said.

“A variety of positive post school outcomes will then be within reach for those involved.”

2022 enrolments at Western Technical College close on September 24. For more information go to


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