Committed to reconciliation
The importance of telling the truth about the past was the key message of a Reconciliation Week presentation at Sacred Heart College this month.

Based on this year’s theme of Grounded in Truth, the evening brought together Dance, Drama, Music and Aboriginal Program students as well as families from the Port Augusta and Davenport Aboriginal communities.
The performances drew on personal experiences of the Stolen Generation and its ongoing impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Drama and Dance students worked with Aboriginal artists in residence Martin Pascoe and Kane Sultan-Babij of Bangarra Dance while responding to Jane Harrison’s text, STOLEN.
SHC Aboriginal Education coordinator Robyn Sutherland said the evening was a wonderful culmination of the students’ work and a demonstration of the school’s commitment to reconciliation.
“Reconciliation must be driven by non-Aboriginal Australians to right the wrongs of the past,” she said.
“It is important for the College to recognise Reconciliation Week as it shows to our students, families and community members that we approach this relationship seriously and with a commitment to walking together with courage towards a future which is grounded in truth…where the truths of the past are heard and acknowledged and all perspectives are valued.”
The Hearts Aboriginal program was established mid-2014 and has grown from 10 to 33 students in that time. In addition to 20 day students, 13 students board and come mostly from Port Augusta with two from Ceduna.

Indigenous students Shantaria Fielding and Chariqua Buzzacottj.
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