Called to serve
Papua New Guinean Joseph Liaia was ordained a deacon at The Monastery, Glen Osmond, in February.
For the past seven months Joseph has been stationed at The Monastery for parish pastoral experience.
Provincial Superior Fr Tom McDonough said Joseph was ordained in a “very simple and moving ceremony” by Bishop Greg O’Kelly SJ.
Joseph’s mother, Julie, came from Rabaul in Papua New Guinea. His father, Camillus, passed away about 18 months ago. Joseph’s cousin, Augustine, a Sacred Heart Brother, represented the wider family.
One of 11 siblings, Joseph was studying at university when he became drawn to the Passionists after attending Fr John Auram’s ordination at St Joseph’s, Boroko.
He and his classmate Tony Simbel studied at the Theology College in Port Moresby, and then both completed a double degree at the Yarra Theological Union in Melbourne.
During his homily Bishop O’Kelly said the decision by someone who was seeking to become a Religious began not with the individual’s desire but a call from God, from the Church and the people to be a servant and minister.
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