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Communicating with the heart


‘Speaking with the Heart, the Truth in Love’ is the theme for this year’s Australasian Catholic Press Association Conference.

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Inspired by Pope Francis’ 2023 World Communications Day Message and taken from St Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians (Eph 4:15), the theme will be explored at the two-day conference being held in Perth, Western Australia, at Rendezvous Hotel Scarborough, from Wednesday September 6.

The conference is open to all Catholic communications professionals across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, with member and non-member rates available for the first time.

ACPA president Neil Helmore, said the conference was this year looking to increase the knowledge of Catholic communications professionals and how they could listen, speak, and communicate with heart.

“As Pope Francis has said, proposing, not imposing ourselves, opening our hearts and minds to understand the profound meaning of what has happened, and to tell that story in the creative ways that we do,” Mr Helmore said.

“The conference is always an insightful opportunity to come together with like-minded professionals, as we walk together in the journey of announcing the gospel as best we can.”

Mr Helmore said that, as Pope Francis explains, “communicating in a cordial manner means that those who read or listen to us are led to welcome our participation in the joys, fears, hopes and suffering of the women and men of our time”.

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