Oz Catholics in global rosary movement
Several parishes in the Adelaide Archdiocese are taking part in a world-wide initiative to pray the rosary.

Over one million Catholics recently gathered around the borders of Poland to pray the rosary for protection of their country. Italy and France followed suite then Ireland with over 280 locations praying around their coastline and United Kingdom on April 29.
Australia, under the patronage of Bishop David Cremin, is holding an OzRosary day of prayer on Sunday May 13 with close to 100 locations participating.
Legion of Mary, Fatima, youth, prayer and rosary groups are coming on board right across the nation to pray the rosary for the protection of Australia and for families and youth.
Major centres like Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane, Tasmania and Perth, all have multiple venues.
The Adelaide communities taking part in OzRosary are Holy Spirit Church (St Ann’s), Mary Help of Christians (Morphettvale), St Maximilian Kolbe (Ottoway), Our Lady of Victories (Glenelg) and St John Vianney (Burnside).
If you would like to join in praying for the protection Of Australia, you can either initiate your own rosary or join in a group already happening. Contacts and locations can be found at https://ozrosary.wixsite.com/ozrosary53 or go to ‘Oz Rosary 53’ Facebook site. The phone contact is Jane on 0476535595.
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