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Assembly consultation begins


Parishes and communities will soon receive a video for screening at weekend Masses and postcards for written feedback as part of the consultation process for the forthcoming Diocesan Assembly.

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To be held at Cabra College on Friday September 17 (evening)and Saturday September 18, with a closing session on Thursday September 23 at a different venue, the Diocesan Assembly will involve up to 500 people representing all areas of the life of the Archdiocese.

Parishes, schools and agencies will be asked to nominate delegates of the assembly, with the criteria and numbers still being finalised.

Diocesan Assembly coordinator Peter Bierer said a dedicated website for the assembly was now “live” and was another way people could have input into the process.

He said the decision to hold a closing session on September 23 would provide an opportunity for delegates to reflect on the discussions taking place over the weekend. The Archdiocese’s Plenary Council delegates would be commissioned at the closing ceremony.

Mr Bierer said the assembly was a significant event in the life of the local Church and would make recommendations for the work and mission of the Archdiocese.


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