Easter Art Show supports refugees
An art show dedicated to increasing awareness and raising funds for support of refugees has announced a callout for art pieces.

The Easter Art Show Yankalilla (EASY) gives local fundraising groups the ability to raise donations for their cause. This year, the show is run by the Fleurieu Refugee Group.
All artworks can be made available for sale by artists, both adults and young people. Entry is free for the youth section, (aged 5 to 18 and focused on the theme of Connection). Entry for adults (on any theme) is $5 per artwork and there will be a 20 per cent commission applied to sales, all of which will go to the Fleurieu Refugee Group.
“Contributions will go directly into the hands of those who need it most. Over the past few years, much of our fundraising has supported Women for Change, an active group of women from Afghanistan now living in Melbourne,” said Fleurieu Refugee Support Group’s Caroline Cleland. “Women for Change channels money into food for the neediest of families in Kabul, and schooling for girls who are excluded from all education by the Taliban.”
In addition to supporting Women for Change, FRSG funds have also been sent to Rural Australians for Refugees, Cisarua Learning (providing support for refugees in Indonesia), Circle of Friends emergency response and the Ukrainian community.
For more information and to download the application form visit the Circle of Friends website cofa.org.au
The Easter Art Show Yankalilla will be held from March 30-31 at the Yankalilla Showgrounds.