KI looks to future with hope
Bouncing back after a few years of hard times that included bushfires and COVID, the small Catholic community on Kangaroo Island says it has a lot to be thankful for – especially the ongoing support from those on the mainland.

While the bushfires of 2019-20 and COVID restrictions had a big impact on parishioners, things are looking up according to chair of the KI Parish Pastoral Council, Peter Clark.
“Now that the recovery is mostly complete, fire victims have been able to look forward to their future lives,” Mr Clark told The Southern Cross.
“The regeneration of the natural environment reflects the optimism and hope for the future of those people who were directly affected.”
At the start of 2022, Archbishop Patrick O’Regan assigned Fr Anthoni Adimai SdM, the administrator of the Adelaide Cathedral parish, to take over the pastoral care needs of the Kangaroo Island parish.
It was previously under the care of Noarlunga parish, however a reduction in clergy meant it was difficult to ensure services were maintained.
Mass continues to be celebrated every Sunday, with priests from the Cathedral parish, clergy of the Archdiocese and visiting priests helping to fill the need.
Fr Adimai attends at least once a month for Mass, followed by parish pastoral and finance council meetings. On the Monday he celebrates Mass for the Catholic Women League.
Mr Clark said parishioners were grateful to the Archdiocese, particularly the Cathedral parish, for their efforts to ensure the
40-50 people, including tourists, could celebrate the Sunday Eucharist each week.
“We feel very privileged to be connected to the Cathedral parish now, just as we were when under the wings of Noarlunga previously,” he said.
“KI’s isolation means that we need to keep our church going, to ensure a Catholic presence for our local worshippers as well as the many tourists and visitors who grace us with their presence.
“If the church on KI ceases to exist, there is no opportunity to move to a neighbouring parish for Sunday Mass.”
Fr Adimai said when he assumed responsibility for the parish he was initially concerned about the financial viability and the “future Catholic presence on the island”.
As a way of creating an income he proposed renting out the three-bedroom presbytery and constructing a small unit to accommodate the visiting priest, as well as toilet facilities for parishioners, on the land adjacent to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church in Kingscote.
“The proposal was well supported by the parish and received the approval of the Archbishop,” Fr Adimai said.
“We are now holding several events to raise the money needed for the building project.”
To date, the Cathedral parish has held a fundraising lunch and dinner, and runs a cake stall regularly in the foyer of St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral.
The Hectorville parish and Latin Mass community have also been supporting the cause by conducting fundraising activities and there have been several donations made by individuals.
The Helping Hand Circle, Adelaide, is planning another fundraising dinner in the St John Paul II Centre at Holy Family Catholic School, Parafield Gardens, and later this month the Cathedral parish is hosting a movie afternoon at the Regent Theatre.
Mr Clark said KI parishioners were so grateful for the support and generosity being shown to them and hoped there would be a “full house” at the movie fundraiser.
The Hercule Poirot film, A Haunting in Venice, will be screened at the Regent Theatre, Kensington Park at 2pm on September 24. Tickets $25 (including movie, choc top, popcorn and bottle of water) available by contacting 8210 8155 or or at