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Neo-Nazi attacks condemned


The SA Council of Christians and Jews says recent neo-Nazi incidents outside the Adelaide Holocaust Museum have reinforced the need for anti-racist education and inter-religious dialogue.

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It was reported this month that SA Police were investigating a photograph posted by a group of men giving a Fascist salute out the front of the museum in Wakefield Street. This followed an earlier incident involving an anti-semitic sticker on the museum door.

Dr Ron Hoenig and Fr Michael Trainor, co-chairs of the SA Council of Christians and Jews, issued the following statement:

At a time when radical, nationalist groups seek to expand divisions within our social fabric, the importance of inter-religious dialogue and education becomes even more manifest.

The presence of Adelaide’s Holocaust Museum within a building that belongs to the Roman Catholic Church is a powerful symbol of the relationship between Jews and Christians in Adelaide.

It is unique in all the world. The Museum is a centre of Holocaust and anti-racist education.

Partly as a result of Holocaust, the relationship between Jews and Christians over the past 50 years has deepened profoundly.

Together we seek ways of cooperating on matters concerned with global violence, ecological destruction and the recognition of different genders and sexualities and First Nations peoples.

Museum director Kathy Baykitch said the Holocaust was a “terrible and defining episode of the 20th century”.

“The Museum has an obligation to preserve Holocaust history for future generations and to educate and develop the moral and social awareness of young people and the wider community,” she said.


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