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Child protection in focus


The Adelaide Archdiocese Child Protection Unit has gifted more than 3000 notepads for children as part of National Child Protection Week and Safeguarding Sunday on September 12.

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The notepads feature a segment from an image of an Indigenous artwork that was collaboratively created by artists Rosslyn Richards, Natasha Summer and Lyn Lovegrove Niemz. Below the image is a statement about how the Church is committed to being an inclusive, culturally diverse and resilient Church where God’s children can flourish.

At the bottom of the notepads there is a reading from Psalm 139 for children and young people with the words ‘You are a Child of God, you are wonderfully made, dearly loved and precious in his sight, before God made YOU, he knew you, there is no one else like YOU’.

The theme of Child Protection Week from September 5 to 11 is ‘Every child, in every community, needs a fair go’.

Safeguarding Sunday (formerly Child Protection Sunday) is celebrated by Catholic parishes and communities across the Archdiocese and provides an opportunity to rejoice children in the life of the Church, recognise that they are valued, respected and heard.

Resources have been developed by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in conjunction with Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd. They include sample bulletin notices, prayers of intercession, Safeguarding Sunday prayer and social media images.

Safeguarding Sunday seeks to acknowledge the immense damage caused by the sexual abuse of children and adults at risk, including by priests, religious and lay people within Catholic contexts.

It makes a commitment to practices and protocols that create and maintain safe environments for all people. It invites people to pray for those harmed by abuse directly and indirectly.


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