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Anniversaries to be blessed in parishes


Couples celebrating a significant wedding anniversary this year will have their milestone recognised in the parishes, rather than at the usual Archdiocesan Anniversaries Mass.

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Archbishop Patrick O’Regan has written to all parish priests outlining that the annual blessing will be held at a local level on Sunday September 19.

“This year due to COVID and restrictions, I have decided that our normal celebration for wedding anniversaries in the Archdiocese should be held in your local parish communities to recognise couples in their life-long commitment,” he wrote.

“If parishes are unable to celebrate on this date, I encourage you to celebrate around that date.”

To support the celebrations, the Events Office and Office for Worship are preparing a digital resource for parishes to utilise. It will include a blessing for marriages to be included in Mass, Universal Prayers to celebrate marriage anniversaries, and a prayer to pray at home.

In addition to the resource, parishes will be asked to provide details of couples who are celebrating significant anniversaries of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60 or more years so that a certificate can be prepared and sent to them. Names must be sent to the Events Office by September 3.

Last year the Anniversaries Mass was cancelled due to COVID restrictions. Prior to that couples from throughout the Archdiocese would gather together for a blessing, most recently held in St Patrick’s Church, Grote Street.

For more details contact the Archdiocesan Events Office on 8210 8220 or



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