All clear for Hutt St Centre
A legal review by the Adelaide City Council has found the Hutt St Centre is operating within its land use agreements.

The findings of the review, undertaken by lawyer Nicholas Manetta, were delivered at an Adelaide City Council committee meeting on November 3.
Hutt St Centre chief executive Chris Burns said the centre was confident it had been operating within the terms of its existing use rights and approvals, and he was glad to see the matter come to a conclusion.
“Now that the review has been finalised, our focus is to ensure we are a supportive member of the Hutt Street community and to continue to work towards our vision of ending homelessness,” Mr Burns said.
“We will continue to advocate for and work with people at-risk of or experiencing homelessness, by supporting them to rebuild their lives and find a pathway to a suitable home.
“The essential wellbeing services delivered from Hutt St Centre’s site have not changed and the redevelopment, including the Wellbeing Centre, will ensure the delivery of our services will have a lesser impact on surrounding businesses and residents.”
Mr Manetta found there was no suggestion of “unauthorised land use”.
“In my opinion, none of the historical uses across the entire site has been unauthorised, or has ceased to be unauthorised in law by virtue of a period of non-use, or has been prevented in law by intervening statutory provisions,” Mr Manetta found.
Councillor Robert Simms, who opposed the review, described it as a “witch hunt” and a waste of $40,000 on ABC Radio.
Hutt St Centre has been operating from its existing premises since the Daughters of Charity established its services more than 60 years ago.
A $2.2m redevelopment of the centre had already been approved by the Council.
The upgrade, which includes a new front foyer, laundry, recreation spaces and outdoor kitchen, is due to be completed by February.
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