Ready to shine on the big stage
More than 2000 students from 62 schools are getting ready to entertain Adelaide audiences at the annual Catholic Schools Music Festival this month.

Tickets for the two performances, on September 19 and 20, are now on sale to the general public through Ticketek and according to festival coordinator Samantha Taylor are “selling fast”. This year the festival is being held at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre and will feature an 800-strong choir, with supporting acts. To accommodate such a large number of performers, the AEC is building its biggest ever stage. It will take three days to complete and two and a half minutes to circumnavigate.
The Catholic Schools Music Festival is giving away two double passes for the performance at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre on Tuesday September 19, 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Simply answer the question below to be in the running to win. Email your answer, with your name and contact details to by Monday September 11. Winners will be notified by email and phone.
How many schools will be represented in this year’s Catholic Schools Music Festival?
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