Praying for peace in Middle East
An ecumenical prayer service for peace in Israel and the Palestinian territories will be held in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral on Wednesday October 18 at 7pm.

Vicar General Fr Dean Marin said the service was being held in “the context of the terrorist attack by Hamas militants and the death and violence against the people of Israel and now the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas and the suffering upon innocent people of both sides”.
“We need to pray persistently for peace in the Middle East,” Fr Marin said in a letter to parishes and communities.
Earlier, Fr Marin wrote to the faithful expressing his sorrow and shock at the terrorist attack by Hamas on the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah.
“Such aggression upon innocent people cannot be justified,” he said.
“As the violence escalates, we express our deep sympathy and solidarity with the families of innocent victims on both sides of this bloody conflict.
“We offer our prayers for these families; for the men, women and children taken hostage, and for all those people experiencing terror and anguish at this time.
“We join Pope Francis in praying for peace in Israel and Palestine and reiterate his call to ‘stop the attacks and to understand that terrorism and war do not lead to any solution, but only to the death and suffering of many innocent people’.”